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Showing posts from February, 2020

Teacher Support: Mental Models

Link to Podcast Recently a coworker introduced me to a podcast by Steve Barkley. He is an educational consultant to districts and education organizations all over the world. He also has a Professional Development website where educators can get instructional coaching micro-credentials among other PD opportunities. I have enjoyed listening to him and his guests discuss various educational topics related to instructional coaching and leadership. When perusing some of the older podcasts he has produced I came across one that focused on mental models of adult learners. This episode featured Joellen Killion as a guest educator. She applied the mental model theory specifically to leaders in the role of coaching. This idea caused me to reflect on my practice as an instructional coach. I first reflected on: What is my mental model of coaching and has it been effective?  Ms. Killion proposed three different mental models that coaches and teachers tend to gravitate toward. ...

Professional Learning Communities

This winter, I have been reading the book, Whatever It Takes: How Professional Learning Communities Respond When Kids Don't Learn (DuFour, DuFour, Eaker, & Karhanek, 2004). I began to wonder. What can my site do to respond to students who are "stuck" academically?  It inspired me to create a new system of Professional Learning Communities at my school site. I worked to place my staff into different groups. I wanted to create a system in which teachers work together to change the systems in which we operate. Turn the status quo upside down and discover the best way to help students in our community thrive.  I have been able to create the time, space, and structure for the Professional Learning Communities. The concern I currently face is: Have I been able to pass the PLC vision to teachers? I am hopeful that the staff at my site will be able to catch the vision and believe that they can be the difference our students need. It can be challenging for teachers to hol...